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Research partners


 ◳ ú228 (png) → (originál) Department of Sustainable Fuels and Green Chemistry, UCT Prague – biomass and waste pyrolysis and gasification, activation of carbonaceous materials, gas purification
 ◳ ú241 (png) → (originál) Department of Sustainability and Product Ecoloogy, UCT Prague – LCA for waste and biomass pyrolysis and gasification
 ◳ ú217 (png) → (originál) Department of Water Technology and Environmental Engineering, UCT Prague – application of biochar in anaerobic fermentation
 ◳ Ústav energetiky, ČVUT Praha (png) → (originál) Department of Energy Engineering, CTU Prague – fluid combustion of solid fuels, flue gas cleaning, CCS/U
 ◳ Energetický ústav, VUT Brno (png) → (originál) Energy Institute, Brno University of Technology – combustion of solid fuels, flue gas treatment
 ◳ Katedra geoenvironmentálních věd, ČZU Praha (png) → (originál) Department of Environmental Geosciences, CZU Prague– biochar and sewage sludge utilisation in agriculture
 ◳ ÚCHP AV ČR (png) → (originál) Institute of Chemical Process Fundamentals of the CAS – material and energy utilization of sewage sludge, preparation, characterization and utilization of biochar, fluidized bed combustion of solid fuels, gas purificatio
 ◳ ÚFP AV ČR (png) → (originál) Institute of Plasma Physics of the CAS – plasma pyrolysis and gasification of waste and biomass, gas cleaning, CCS/U, production of hydrogen and structured carbon materials and composites
 ◳ ÚSMH AV ČR (png) → (originál)

Institute of Rock Structure and Mechanics of the CAS– waste and biomass pyrolysis

 ◳ MBU AV ČR (png) → (originál) Institute of Microbiology of the CAS – analysis of organic micropollutants in wastes, biomass and their solid pyrolysis residues


 ◳ BOKU (png) → (originál) Department of Material Sciences and Process Engineering, BOKU – University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (AUT) – gas purification and CCS/U
 ◳ Ghent University (png) → (originál) Department of Green Chemistry and Technology, Ghent University (BEL) – material and energy utilistaion of sewage sludge, plasma pyrolysis and gasification of waste and biomass, gas purification, double-degree PhD programs
 ◳ Foshan University (png) → (originál) School of Environmental and Chemical Engineering, Foshan University (CHN) – biochar preparation, characterisation and utilisation
 ◳ VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (png) → (originál) VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland (FIN) – gas cleaning, gasification of biomass and solid alternative fuels, CCS/U
 ◳ Sveriges_Lantbruksuniversitet_Logo.svg (png) → (originál)

Sveriges lantbruksuniversitet (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) – use and treatment of biochar for water purification

 ◳ 210929_Pyreg_Logo_Net_Zero_CMYK (png) → (originál)

PYREG GmbH – material and energy utilisation of sewage sludge, pyrolysis


Industrial and commercial partners:

 ◳ ENERGO Zlatá Olešnice s.r.o. (png) → (originál) ENERGO Zlatá Olešnice s.r.o. – cogeneration of electricity, heat and biochar
 ◳ HST Hydrosystémy s.r.o. (png) → (originál)

HST Hydrosystémy s.r.o. – sewage sludge pyrolysis and drying

 ◳ AIR TECHNIC s.r.o. (png) → (originál) AIR TECHNIC s.r.o. – biomass gasification
 ◳ TERDESOL (png) → (originál) TERDESOL – production and use of solid alternative fuels in fluidised bed furnaces, pyrolysis of waste polymers
 ◳ ENERGIE Holding a.s. (png) → (originál) ENERGIE Holding a.s. – energy use of biomass, optimization of district heating systems
 ◳ DEKONTA a.s. (png) → (originál) DEKONTA a.s. – biofilter substrate preparation, water purification of xenobiotics, activated carbon valorization
 ◳ ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o. (png) → (originál) ORLEN Unipetrol RPA s.r.o – dehalogenation of primary pyrolysis gas/pyrolysis gas
 ◳ ENRESS s.r.o. (png) → (originál) ENRESS s.r.o. – biomass and solid alternative fuels pyrolysis
 ◳ Uchytil s.r.o. (png) → (originál) UCHYTIL s.r.o. – fluidised combustion of solid fuels
 ◳ C-Energy Plana s.r.o. (png) → (originál)

C-Energy Plana s.r.o. – fluidní spalování pevných paliv, optimalizace CZT



 ◳ CPGA z.s. (png) → (originál)

CPGA z.s.

 ◳ V4 Biochar platform (png) → (originál) V4 Biochar platform
 ◳ European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (png) → (originál) European Sustainable Phosphorus Platform (ESPP)
 ◳ European Biochar Industry (png) → (originál) European Biochar Industry (EBI)
Updated: 10.3.2025 14:47, Author: Eva Mištová

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Copyright ICT Prague 2014
Informations provided by Department of International Relations, Department of R&D, technical service by Computer Centre
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